Well well. It's been a rough, eventful week with things happening that shocked me out of my wits. Like when someone you know does something foolish. Sigh.
There's gonna be 3 tests next week so I'm probably busted for this weekend due to wanting to finally start doing well..? Sigh promos are in 54 days and it's already been a super tough week with very little sleep for me. OMG me and Jessica are ZombieBuddies mwahahah. Alright before I go, here's a cute picture Jessycah drew on my tablet awhile ago when I brought it to class :D

Happy Reptile Friends <3
I coloured it :DDD
Mmmkay Bio Mock SPA tmrw, wish me luck. Oh yes and 2.4km NAPFA! I gotta hit the 12min mark. And I want a new blog address.
I want I want I want I want I want I want I want........
See, humans aren't contented. Rawr~
Oh hello. You know those kinda moods where you feel as if the whole world owes you something and when you feel like you want to throw a bigbigbigbigbig fuss over it. It's happening to me alot lately. The thing is, I don't know why too. Or maybe I don't want to think why.
Overslept again today. Argh and I need to escape out of the terribly lonely home to study. I want to break freeeeee.
E Learning week starts tmrw. So yeah, got to catch up with studies. Sigh, alright bye..
12:29 PM
Hello (:
Well, the 6th of July came and went smoothly, and I must say it's been a both wonderful and emotional month, but I suppose everything turns out fine afterall!
& It'll just get better and better.
Plus sunsets are just so damn fine ^^
Oh did I mention I totally flunked JCTs? With like 4 U's or something. And the only thing that I passed being Chinese =.=
Will start catching up for promos pretty soon. Have to, if not I'll probably not promote.
BAHHHH. The mere thought of an endless pile of stuff to go through burdens me yet again. With that weird "bounce-on-shoulder" effect. Ditto.
Thou shalt muggeth for only 1.5 more years.
6:13 PM