Alright, since Darren hasn't dedicated a blogpost to me, I shall start by dedicating one to him!
Here it goes;
Darren, darren, darren. A friend who is incredibly annoying at times (when he debates with you over silly things e.g. "Why doesn't God heal amputees?!"), yet amazingly charming when you get to know him well (:
Being my dearest AMaths buddy, he never fails to make you smile by either telling you a really stupid lie (which I always stupidly believe), or by giving that cute droopy-eyed smile of his. Although I am tecnically his tutor, he always seems to be the one tutoring me :/ Which I am truly sorry about and also very thankful for his patience in knocking the theory of integration into my dead brain.
His house is one of the most fab hangouts for his mates due to his neverending collection of PC/PS/PS1/PS2/PS3/PSP/XBOX/XBOX360/Nintendo/Nintendo Wii games (you name it, he has it), and not to mention that solid green pool table by his living room. He makes the best egg-drop instant noodles (droooool) which came as a surprise, as he is just a typical adolescent boy who spends hours gaming.
Being the modest boy he is, he claims that his singing sucks, but yet he makes a great duet buddy as he has the most dreamy voice I've ever heard (in real life, not reel life). He does a superb imitation of Luciano Pavarotti's "You Raise Me Up" & I schwear he sings better than Josh Groban ^^ Singing with him is always the nicest thing cause you get to whack and tickle him when he goes out of pitch & he'll never get angry :D The other nice thing about his voice is that he's got this really cute accent that's sorta like a mixed breed of every caucasian race :/ And he does speak it really well!
In class, he sits behind me, so I always find a mirror available! Once in a while you turn round and catch him staring at his own face, moaning about a zit that appeared. Other times, he's lying half-dead on the table, refusing to wake up. And when you try, he gets up all grumpy. His hair aspiration is to have hair like Bano's, nice and spiky. I remember there was this time we tried spiking his hair, and he actually looked nice! Yet he wasn't for it and he went to wash his hair -.-
Darren's knowledge has no boundaries, and he gets alot of information from Wikipedia, which explains his knowledge of things like a girl's friend-zone, or even things like who sang what on High School Musical 2!
They say that "great minds thing alike". The day I wrote that post about friends, I saw his msn nickname. It said,"I feel friendless", just like what my post said. &He hadn't seen the post yet. Well, he's someone you really can confide in, and he even wished me a good morning the next day so that I'd feel better :D
If you get there before I do Don't give up on me I'll meet you when my chores are through I don't know how long I'll be But I'm not gonna let you down Darling wait and see And between now and then till I see you again I'll be loving you, love me
That's the song playing when you dial his number. Hehe and technically it's also quite true (as debated by Lionel and I, because we always got there before he did, yet never gave up on him, and he only meets us when he's finished with his chores :P)
Throughout these 4 years as his friend, be it during CO or in class, I've known him as a really great buddy who'd stick up for you when you get confronted by teachers, and someone who would always cheer you up. I'd love this post to go on and on but the thing is, there are too many things to write! Well, to Darren (if you're reading this), I've really enjoyed being your friend! And I'll totally miss you and your debates when we graduate :/
Yay, there we go :D Now he owes me a dedication ^^
Going back to school for Biology revision, see you people around!
Oh crap I was supposed to be mugging :/
Labels: To Darren
9:55 PM