Well hello there. I understand that this is an immensly overdue post :/ BUT I FEEL LIKE PUKINGZXZSXZ but it's my fault cos I read stupid Readers' Digest on the car. But hee hee I've got milo powder at home now so yay I can make my very own Milo Dinosaur. K NUFF SAID.
Musique Pour Toujours was a successssssss yay. Almost nobody realised we screwed up No. 2 Symphony :/ annnnnnnnnndddddd Yiheng's sheng solo was great, and there were my friendly supporters ^^

TJCO's Sections!

Vicki, Jessica & Xiaoxuan ^^

Yay I got hugged!


Pretty bouquet from... BFTB :D

Nice big sunflower from the girls!

Cute box'a chocs from Xiaoxuan
And thus marks the end of term 2, or my first term in TJC :/ It's been fast. Do think about CJC at times though, and wonder how my IG/IT mates are doing in their respective JCs.
The end of term 2 also means that our dearest J3/J5 teachers are going! Mr Lock, Mr Ho and Ms Tan. Gahhhhhhh I will miss them like crazy. And I don't think we'd ever get a better teacher than Mr Lock for GP (double boo-boo).

Awww :/

Awwwwww :/

Awwwwwwwww :/
Yeap and too, at the last day of term 2 was the biannual Mardi Gras!
I went as a PUCCA ^^ ^^ ^^
With a CCHMS tie =.=

Lizard Boy and his trademark Lizard face.

I got suffocated by his "Amazon Rainforest Armpits" >.<

And he strikes again.

4 out of 6 of the "JL's"
Joy Lai, Jamie Low, Jessica Law, Jana Lim
Cool huh ^^



"Strikes cute pose"
That was certainly a memorable term :/
TJ's students are stereotyped as cheena and what not, but needless to say, I've enjoyed my term despite much stress and sleepless nights. I love TJC ^^
Sigh~ Holidays are here, loads of studying to catch up with, lest I fail my JCTs.....
I'll pull through, I promise myself.
And the only obstacle thus far has been... Myself.
Catch you later.