Hahahahh my bedroom is in shambles. With strewn worksheets lying all over the floor, clothes chucked at corners and stuffed toys scattered around. Manzxszsx I want a renovated room. That's nice and pretty and zen and spacious and pinkish that looks like........ This!

Although it's not my dream bedroom, it's close.
Yeeha dad says he'll renovate the house soon but who knows, he may take ages to put zeh plan into action ):
Yay caught up with Lionel Zhu (Choo) on Monday cos he wanted to join me for Hiphop/Street Jazz classes. So yay ^^ He's tanned and skinny. And depressed ):
Gah anyway, overslept today (AGAIN), and I tellyou I seriously had NO INTENTION OF PONNING SCHOOL AGAIN ): but I went back to sleep and woke up at 2.15pm -.-
Help, I need volunteer morning alarm clocks.
Shall take the time left to, try and study :/ Sigh.
Pictures again anyway :D
This is my rabbit, Fyola who was abandoned by previous owner in a forest at Bukit Timah.

This is the guy who's WoW character is a chiobu blood elf called Fyola, whom I named my rabbit after.
Pretty caricature of a tree drawn by Jessica ^^
Another pretty caricature by the really bored artist.
kthxluvubai (:
Sorryzxszxzs for the super long hiatus :/ Can't exactly find time to, well, blog.
Anyway! East Zone concert @ VJC's ovah.
Met quite alot of people like Slai, some CCH people and Le-anne(?) who did her little J-O-Y cheer for me (:
Next stop: TJCO's concert @ SCH, 24th May!
And not to mention the following stepping stone: JCT (and we all go,"Holy Shit")
Pictures anyway. Am too lazy to type. Have to do Econs essay + study Chem >.<
CJ vs VJ! A few days back.
Me, Jana & Jamu's(missing) matching bags!
Coolest teachers ever (:
Some tofu-like squishy thingy.
Yay vandalism (:
KTHXBAI. I'm supposed to be studying. KUDOSZXZSZXS.
8:25 PM