And yesterday was CNY clothes shopping day! Went with Darren, Brian F, Ian, MC, Chester.
Far East Plaza = Best variety at reasonable prices. Imagine pretty shoes going for 10 dollars...!?
CNY ListBlack MaryJane Pumps
White Pointy Pumps
White Halterneck with Embroidery
Black & Silver Babydoll-ish Top with Sequins
Silver Belt with a studded Butterfly
3 pairs of Earrings
Black Bangle
2 Necklaces
A Bag
The bag was a super steal for $27, from Zinc! Hahaha imagine you getting ready to pay $45 for a bag, when the salesperson comes up to you and says, "There is a 40% discount for this design, so you'll only have to pay $27!". Oh, Joy. It's a white sling/carry tote for school that I hope'll last me for quite some time!
Anyway, haven't gotten any bottoms so far, but I'll pop by Peninsula Plaza someday to get 1 or 2 pairs of skinnies (may wanna buy the half-coloured ones or the outrageously coloured ones)! $19 bucks, what a steal again. Pity those guys buying denims at $70 =P
&&& So we all decided to nicely skip school today to watch movies at Ian's grand palace :D
Went back to CCH today, walked around abit. Met Shiang! After so long! Had nice chat, managed to catch up quite abit. Thereafter I went to take away some yummilicious Jap food (I really miss CCHMS's canteen food, especially the fries with mushroom sauce, the Jap food and the ba chor mee).

Got tortured by Jae in Ian's place T-T She was using some mechanical hand to poke my butt and my arms, and pulling my hair with it. Oh yes, got dirty socks flung at my head too. Sigh. Hahaha kids these days do find weird hobbies (torturing their siblings' friends in this case) to amuse themselves. Got tortured (again) in the evening. The cute horror went round pinching my butt and poking me in the ribs, forcing me to ride her around like a horse, and taking my hair as the reins -.-" My spine died like crazy, and the pathetic me got caught on tape by Brian.
Watched Forrest Gump, a very touching show about how a guy with an IQ of 75, who runs like the wind made it big, even with the simple mind of his, and a very innocent yet positive outlook of life. Sometimes I wonder how it feels being a little bit less clever but a whole lot happier.
Had Pizza Hut delivery, and the Prosperity Pizza turned out delicous! Haha that tangy taste of lime and cheese topped with sweet roasted pork and floss. That's my new favourite together with the Hawaiian (: Left halfway through the show Saving Private Ryan which was about the war between America and Germany. Very gory. Very sad.
Cabbed home, and here I am! Which kinda reminds me of the Delirious song. Which also makes me miss church ): Maybe I'll go to NewCreation this weekend!
Haha, alright, going off for the moment. Good luck, have fun :D