'Ve been wanting to blog for awhile but just didn't seem to have the time. Anyway, 24th January came and went. Can't believe we've already started college for a month now. Time really flies. Heh but I still dearly miss the holiday after the O's. Sounds so distant now. I really miss studying in CCHMS! And the canteen food, the teachers, flag raising, assembly etc.
And then I see the messy alignments of tables to my right.
The few guys hanging around Zhanhong's table
Not forgetting our lovely toilets and water dispensors!
Kids scrambling down for flagraising while William Tell plays on, and Mr Chua muttering into the microphones.
The lovely, crammed LT1.
Cute buggers falling asleep during lessons.

Oh yes, the girls :D
Am currently being stuck in a dilemma. Actually, not really.. I've supposedly made up my mind to proceed on to TJC for college, yet the bitterness still remains inside me that people with 9 points like me actually get to go to VJC. Yet all I've got to blame is myself, for not taking HCL, or for not doing well for prelims. Or we all can just blame Cambridge for the B3 in AMaths, and the A2 in Combined Humanities which were both supposed to be A1s.
Sigh I know I'm being extremely annoying, moaning and whining with self-pity. But it's like your float burst, and you're left to sink into the depths of the icy ocean, alone.
Maybe I should be happy that I didn't get a 10 onwards. Or maybe I should continue being a whine due to 3 extra points.. Somehow, being pessimistically optimistic sounds better. Temporary reliefs are nice, but once you're left alone, negativity overwhelms you.
But there's a bright side to going to TJC. I suppose I could save 15 minutes journeying to and from home. And I suppose it's not so bad seeing that Jollyn and Zhaopeng will be there too.. At least there're familiar faces.
Anyway, I wanna post up the pictures taken on the pre & post O Level Result Collection get togethers at Darren's place, but it's all in the camera, and I don't have Microsoft Picture Manager/Adobe Photoshop, so I can't resize them, seeing that Blogger will take forever to host 5 megapixel-ed pictures. Rockband's fun! Also the drum set gives you something to vent your anger on. At least it's better than watching 3D orcs and elves battle it out with a monster 100 (literally) times their size, dying in the process. Oh, and pool still owns =P
Goodbye, Catholic Junior College. I had a memorable (although the memories weren't always good ones) few weeks studying there, with new accquaintances and all. Thanks for the memories, no doubt. I will remember the fried fish and the terrible rash I got there due to rolling in mud with earthworms. The scars will remain on my pretty legs. Sob.
And goodbye for now. I hope my blog doesn't die. I'll promise to be back soon!
HELLO I was browsing my ex-classmate's blogs and I came across this quiz in June's blog! Shall do it since I ain't got nothing to post :/
(001) Your gender: Female
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight
(003) Single?: Uhhuh.
(004) Want to be?: Doctor :/ But then again i'd probably drop your heart during an op, so...
(005) Age?: 16 going 17~
(006) Age you wish you were: 16 forever (:
(007) The color of your eyes: Dark brown?
(008) Piercings: 6 on ears, 1 on somewhere else.
(009) Tattoos: On my heart =P
(010) Smoke: Nah no way..
(011) Read the newspaper: Urban & Life!
(012) Talk to strangers who IM you: I... Ignore them =P
(013) Take walks in the rain: If it happens to rain while I'm walking..
(014) Drive: Not yet!
(015) Been out of the country: Yep!
(016) Done drugs: Neh.
(017) Gone skinny dipping: Neh.
(018) Had a surgery: Neh.
(019) Ran away from home: Am tempted to sometimes, but nope.
(020) Played strip poker: Nah.
(021) Gotten beat up: Nah. I'm so luvvable =P
(022) Been on stage: Uhhuh.
(023) Slept outdoors: Yeah, OBS, super chilly.
(024) Pulled an all-nighter: -.-
(025) Talked on the phone all night: I suppose!
(026) Slept all day: Yes!
(027) Killed someone: If I had I'd probably be in jail.
(028) Been betrayed: Kinda too strong a word.
(029) Broken the law: =P
(030) Been on radio/tv: I don't know..
(031) Had a nervous breakdown: I think so?
(032) Had a dream that kept coming back: Not really..
(033) Favorite music: Hip-hoppzie.
(034) Wear hats: Sometimes. Berets (:
(035) Judged other people by their clothing: I think I do sometimes :/
(036) Are you trendy: Hopefully!
(037) That you laughed at: Uh... I don't know her name.
(038) That laughed at you: I don't know too =P
(039) That you went shopping with : IG02!
(040) To disappoint you: =P Secret.
(041) To make you cry: Secret.
(042) To brighten up your day: Foooooo~
(043) You saw a movie with: I think it was with Ivan.Y, Liang and company.
(044) You talked to on the phone: Mum
(045) Your best friend(s): Darren (:
(046) Last person to make you Smile: =P
(047)Last person to make you Laugh: =P
(048) Last time you Cried: Saturday
No matter what you say about love
I keep coming back for more
Keep my hand in the fire
Sooner or later, I'll get what I'm asking for
No matter what you say about life
I learn every time I bleed
That truth is a stranger
Soul is in danger, I gotta let my spirit be free
To admit that I'm wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I have to move on
And leave you behind
I can't waste time so give it a moment
I realize, nothing's broken
No need to worry 'bout everything I've done
Live every second like it was my last one
Don't look back, got a new direction
I loved you once, needed protection
You're still a part of everything I do
You're on my heart just like a tattoo
I'm sick of playing all of these games
It's not about taking sides
When I looked in the mirror, didn't deliver
It hurt enough to think that I could
Stop, admit that I'm wrong
And then change my mind
Sorry but I gotta be strong
And leave you behind
If I live every moment
Won't change any moment
Still a part of me and you
I will never regret you
Still the memory of you
Marks everything I do
Labels: Bored again
3:41 PM
Happy 2008....... &
I'm back from Taiwan!!!
Bought truckloads of stuff (nah not really truckloads) & the stuff there are so so so so so cheap + loads of variety!!! & the scenery is so so so so nice too! Plus the weather is like super chilly and windy hehe. Say hello to teeth-chattering moments, and your fingers getting icy cold. Zomgggg I miss the weather there~
Anyway, turns out that it's too late for me to try and xfer to TPJC for first 6 weeks. Bah. I'm stuck in stupid CJC which I most probably won't be going on account of the distance between the JC and my home, the really kaopeh sounding letter I received from them, the fact that I don't know any-freaking-body from CCH going there, and also the "me not knowing any-freaking-thing about that JC, what it looks like and so on". Gah. I feel so lonely being stuck at home to stone while everyone I know goes and have fun in JC. Boo.
Teen Creed
Don't let your parents down,
They brought you up.
Be humble enough to obey,
You may give orders someday.
Choose your companions with care,
You become what they are.
Guard your thoughts,
What you think, you are.
Choose only a date
Who would make a good mate.
Be master of your habits,
Or they will master you.
Dont' be a show off when you drive,
Drive with safety and arrive.
Don't let the crowd pressure you,
Stand for something or you'll fall for anything.
Labels: A New Year
5:37 PM