$%&*@ Blogger's still screwed. The only way i get to view my blog is through the template preview. How sad.
Anyway, my current handphone game craze is... Sims 2 Mobile Edt! It's so so so so fun~ Haha but nothing like the computer version of couse. Still, it keeps me company on the lonely MRT ride home everyday. However it drains my battery life.
Yesterday i learnt a new sms language/sign/shortform thingy. XOXO actually means hugs&kisses. I didn't know before i asked Chante =.=
Okay so Nike was doing some survey on the soon to be upcoming track shoes that apparently synchronizes with the iPod nano and it'll tell you the distance covered, your heartrate etc. So cool, too bad had CO. And bloody hell i didn't collect my timed practice worksheeeeet~ Heck.
One more week to SYF! The Gold with Honours lie before our very eyes, gleaming and shimmering.
I'm currently residing in darkness, staring at this computer screen with a black Biore Pore Pack on my nosie woesie. It's supposed to remove black/white heads and stuff that clog up your pores. $3.95 per 10 pack heh =.=
Blogger's screwed up. I can't view my blog when i type in the address! But nevermind, seems my cousin can still view it; others can view it too(i hope?) !
Today it rained and rained and rained and rained and rained. Yesterday it rained and rained and rained and rained and rained too. The rainy season's back again! And i have to tiptoe at every visible puddle (
poodle) to prevent the icky water from flooding my holey shoes.
Twenty years down the road i'll step foot in CCHMS and say how much this school played a part in writing my future memoir : Memoirs of a
Geisha Girl Named Joy. From being some super retarded nerdy sec 1 girl to who i am today, from blazin hot days to rainy days, from crazy woman to not-so-crazy woman, and from girl with no braces to girl with braces (but soon to be girl with no braces yet again). Ah 3+ years flew by.
Naw i'm joking about the memoir thingy. Heh but it'd be nice to write a book =O
And i shouldn't be thinking of post-graduation thoughts when i'm still not graduated +.+ But heck it's good to be forward-looking (haha said by june oh).
And cause it rained today, i managed to borrow 2 books from the library! That'd keep me entertained before i sleep heh heh. Mom bought me snacks + ham + other stuff to keep my tummy occupied too.
Maybe rainy days aren't that bad although they flood your shoes. I kind of miss rainy days come to think of it.
Oh, whatever. I shall go dissolve my head in a basin of water like efferverscence tablets and pluck out my pore pack.
10:03 PM
Omg progress report's out! I failed cheeena ley! And mua mum whacko-ed my head with her foot for that.
Rest o' subjects were alright i guess. With an L1R5 of 19. T-T
One thing's sure: Class Tests suck. They pull your marks down by a grade, even two.
PTM's on this friday, mum wants to meet teacher >.<
Pray ET/LimLeong won't say anything bad about me!
CO after school once again, ended surprisingly-sorta-early! 14 more days till 4Apr, SYF! Just 2 more weeks of jiayou-ing till the big day. Cheers to Cchmsco, though practises have been intense, guess i'd miss all the CO-ers, the liuqin room, teachers etc. after graduating :/
Oh, should start doing some homework and hopefully get to sleep earlier! ^^ Buhbye.
8:25 PM
First day of school, not bad lah! Got back social studies ha ha ha and i presume i'm not gonna fail CombiHumans! :DDDD cause i need to score just 3 marks for History to pass overall. But hopefully Hist doesn't pull me down too much. Bleh.
Rest of papers were, well, not so good. Bio was a B4, Chinese was an embarassing 19/50! My goodness how'm i gonna sit for Os.
Anyway, the day passed quite quickly lar. Except for the 2hour long assembly in the swelteringly hot school auditorium. Played a crazy game of Catching in the newblock and the girls were running around like crazy idiotsz.. And miss chantelle happily sprayed water from a hose at me, while i happily took a bottle of icy water and threw it back at her ha ha. Had choc waffles outside with them, played dai-di. Whereafter Phin's mom sent Shuhua home, and me to tampines!
Talked about choosing between JC's or Poly's. Poly seems quite interesting come to think of it! Haha gonna have to consider carefully eh? Yum. I ate smoked ducky (from Taiwan) for dinner hehehehe.
Okay back to my AMaths holiday assignment! Screw homework~ although it's good for you. But that's why we should do homework!
8:54 PM
Sigh, isn't "Tu Amor - RBD" the sweetest song written ever? Mi amor I’m not sure of the right words to say
Maybe these simple words will do best to best explain
What I feel in my heart
What I feel more each day
How to make you see
How to let you know
How to say how to say how I love you so
With words you understand
Words that get right through to your heart
Here’s the place to start
First paragraph of the song ^^
Anyway, Hol's are over, and I spent the last day of it making
mua new pinky blogskin! Plus doing a portion of the crazed
amounts of homework!! Term 2's beginning already, and the
ghost of the O levels are haunting me and telling me,
"NYAHAHA only 225 more days till the day where I get
to kill you!". But kill me or whatsoever, it's up to me to decide
my fate.
Ohwell, see you back in school for another term of long, long
lessons that seem to last forever.
4:21 PM
Rawrrr down with you, common tests. Yay so far we're done with Chemistry, Social Studies, EMaths &EHistory! Just 3 more papers to go, and it's all slacky subjects except for Bio :/ But slacky subjects does not equal doing well hehheh.
Hols are 5 days away but there's
almost(?) nothing to look forward to except intensive CO practises for SYF: trying for Gold with Honours is gonna be
hard work. Hopefully i won't fail my Social Studies SEQ - ain't gonna be in detention/revision/studying/Pump classes ^^
Today's History was killer - wrote full of crap for the content and full of intelligent crap for the SEQ which hopefully is gonna earn me some marks so that I'll pass Combi Humans =D Or more hopefully pass "with flying colours". Then I'll set the record for Joy's 1st time ever passing Combi Humans (naw just joking i passed before).
I'll be flying on colourful winds
hopefully when I come back to school in Term 2 and receive my results slip.
Till then, folks.
7:13 PM
aw, isn't this Katherine McPhee song so nice? bryan(lau) sent it to me hehaho.
anyway, watched Borat at darren's house on friday after school, and Borat is one stupid guy. he lives in Kazakstan (sp?) and went to US to create a documentary. and he is sofa king funny and he thought that he could marry pamela anderson. and Borat is very explicit ha ha he thinks everyone is a prostitute and he gets horny from looking at mannequins displayed in the glass windows of shops. we were laughing like idiots >.< no wonder it's R21 ha ha caution for kids below 21.
common tests are tmr! i'm barely done with studying SS content, and not entirely confident of chemistry ('ve got to re-read later to revise cause i think i'll forget some things). i made ss notes for Sri Lanka and rise&fall of Venice ^^ but ohwell common tests on week10 is retarded but still at least we have the holidays to escape from horrendous result slips (hopefully not?). gah i'm sick of studying.
xams end on thurs! yay then we'll have some time to relax but not long cause we've got to prep for SYF/MYEs if not we'll seriously die.
i want to be sixteen!! isn't that such a golden age? hmm =)
guess i've cheered up a little. sigh!
2:42 PM