hello, life.
life to me isn't some unimportant piece of trash that i could take and just fling it off me,
sometimes life is plain
what is the most common
feeling mood felt by teens?
is it happiness?
is it sadness?
or is it the good ol' phrase that most of us say every morning? - "phew i'm so tired."
sounds familliar? haha.
i my parents/teachers must argue that we as students have no right whatsoever to complain, because we do not have to work everyday like they do.
and we do not have to stand next to a whiteboard and blabber about chemistry.
we just have to sit at a table and listen to the teacher talk.
uh, but listening to the teacher recite what she has recited to so many classes takes up space in our brains, and the cells are getting fried due to greenhouse effect,
just for a meagre 30 minute break,
and we get scolded for being ONEMINUTE late for class.
yes, yes, punctuality again.
and plus we dont just do brainless work!
AND they are PAID to teach us things being recited to many many classes.
so basically a teacher's job is to recite a few years of knowledge over and over and OVER again to many many many many MANY classes over a long long long LONG period of time.
okay, there's also the shit load of homework in scribbles,
BUT they just put a measly tick on the paper!
ahwell, i guess i shouldn't be complaining,
some people have it harder off.
like my mum (as my dad always reminds me),
who has to wash clothes, fold clothes, cook dinners, wash dishes, and so on.
yea, if i were her i would have eloped with my boyfriend (not that i have one),
sometimes i feel sorry that i am such a lazy-being
who doesn't bother to help her at times :/
ugh, i've to learn to be a better daughter.
today was a hectic day.
first thing after school was CO phototaking,
and it was hard on them :/
shiang, huirong, tania and me went to IKEA at queensway^^
managed to get a few items for *ahem*,
and IKEA is fascinating,
been 10 years or so since i've been there,
there's like shelves and shelves of all the furniture and household needs there,
yea, like WHOA.
haha, and we were admiring all the kid bedroom displays,
and i was saying "wow i feel like i'm in lala-land".
how i wish my bedroom was designed by me.
i'd re-create paradise in whatever space i have.
daydreaming again.
hm, then me and shiang took bus 64 to PS,
got more stuff, uhhuh,
and grabbed dinner.
so yadda yadda yadda,
and that was my day
9:37 PM
some things in life are just an illusion.
it might be very well hidden under the beautifully decorated mask,
and one might never know the truth behind it.
am finally back in school after a long rest of 2 days,
yea, and i'm jumpy! as zenda wants me to be ^^ hehe
everything seems not bad today,
yup, good hair day too =D
managed to sneak in some greentea with a dash of peach (hehe),
and the day turned out to be not as bad as i thought it would,
because there was 2 languages, 2 sciences and 2 math classes =P
seeing double? haha
oh yea there was phototaking too,
but had to wait forever for the teacher to come,
and we got scolded by her instead =.=
went to find mel and ate lunch,
then collected my blazer for the CO phototaking tmr.
and then, vball-ing with the butties and some other people ^^
yay, seems like it's been forever since i've touched a vball,
and i miss those 2RP-ian times when we used to play at the service road :/
haha! it was fun playing with em though!
wheee now i'm a healthy colour and my arms are splotchy reddish.
being sick in bed seemed to be 10 years away (:
guoxiang was patiently teaching zenda how to serve the ball,
and yea man she did it ^^ hahaha! (yay, zenda!)
shiang's mum came to pick her up early tho,
&we smashed the ball around =P
walked out with mel and zenda,
had a nice talk with them,
yeah, and finally went home ^^
7:37 PM
I have been tagged by weiqi,
1. Do the following WITHOUT complains
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged
favourite colour: black
favourite food: erm, jap?
favourite song: [currently] buttons by pussycat dolls
favourite movie: school of rock \m/
favourite sport: tennis, volleyball
favourite day of the week: fridays!
favourite season: both winter and summer. love the snow but love the sunshine too :/
favourite ice-cream: vanilla
current mood: drowsy
current taste: sweet.
current clothes: giant tee, undies, PE shorts
current desktop: er, compaq?
current toenail: painted shiny black
current time: 9.26am
current surroundings: the studyroom
current annoyances: the blocked nose
first best friends: victoria from kinderworld?
first crush: can't say i remember..
first movie: can't remember :/
first lie: i have long term memory lost.
last cigarette: there wasn't a first to begin with
last drink: apple&blackcurrent juice [plenty in the fridge]
last car ride: dad sent me to school on monday morning
last crush: =P
last movie: the nun [which sucked]
last phone call: mum?
last CD played: my compilations cd?
Have you ever
have you ever dated your best friend: er, no.
have you ever broken the law: yeah
have you ever been arrested: no -.-
have you ever skinny-dipped: no
have you ever been on tv: possibly?
have you ever kissed someone you don't know: no
5 things you are wearing: tee, shorts, undies, thats it.
4 things you done today: wake up, take my medicine, brush my teeth, turned on the computer
3 things you can hear right now: birds chirping, the keyboard, and the sniffing of my nose
1 thing you do when you are bored: stone away.
5 people to tag? zenda, melissa, shiangling, and whoever comes to my blog :/
9:18 AM
skipped a day of school today,
went to visit the doc and his diagnosis was that i'm having acute pharyngitis (?) and a fever of 38.5.
and he gave me 2 days MC ^^
i'm off to sleep like a dead pig
11:22 AM
ah, these school days.
the holidays have passed in the blink of an eye,
and the early morning calls,
walking about in a daze,
smashing of alarm clocks are back again.
including a really
bad hair day,
as i am currently being forced to tie my hair to school,
and strands of flyaway hair are sticking out of my head at awkward angles.
>_< ...
speaking of which, my spanking new school uniform was a tad too big,
and the skirt wasn't here or there,
so i was caught for messy attire by the VP =X
which after that she sat me down to have a chat about the naughty guys in my class,
and how they're always disrupting the lessons,
guess she's kinda nice actually!
there's been a massive change in our seating arrangement.
i now sit right at the back! haha!
and i'll enjoy the nice breeze blowing through the backdoor ^^
gah, but i still want my voice back =(
and my nose to stop running away from me!!
shoot me,
6:13 PM
yay a "new" layout with no more irritating scrollbars!
blah i seem to be gloating over the small things in life. =P
12:21 PM
was desaturating a RASPBERRY with photoshop ^^


tell me it's nicer ^^
after all, "photoshopping is always FUN", said ZENDA.
10:37 PM
went back to school in the morn for CO commitee election haha.
i'm currently still the recreational leader,
yep, but now i have a partner to work with!
jamie ^^ *shakes hand*
it'd be nice working with you,
and we'll plan the greatest camps and the scariest nightwalks :DD
results were announced with *drumrolls*,
and we were laughing like there'd be no tomorrow.
oh incase you don't know what the election is like,
its kinda like the PAP and WP and SDP blah blah elections,
firstly theres an interview,
and people vote vote vote for you,
and the votes are tallied(:
although i used to think being in the committee was a burden,
but it still feels great to be part of this big CO ^^
cheers to the new committee!
9:34 PM
how extent is your trust on someone?
could you say there is someone that you can 100% completely trust all the time besides Jesus?
if you say you trust someone,
do you not place any doubt in his/her actions at all?
even if he/she were your bestfriend, would you say too that you have your fullest trust in him/her?
that's something to ponder on.
10:43 AM
let me see.
school's reopening in....
4 days.
and i haven't done a shit about my homework.
& currently have no mood whatsoever to do them.
well, this holiday was a fulfilling one though,
there were so many happenings,
yea and new experiences (:
but all the same,
i hate it when school reopens and we have to wake up at 6am every morn :(
12:03 PM
yesterday was awesome =D
8:39 AM
the performance was a success!
prepping up for the performance,
doing make up for people,
walking the stage dozens of times,
tiny messes here and there, but it was great!
no doubt that my liuqin pin fell out during the last few songs,
thank goodness for the spare one ^^
we moved a hell load,
we did a great entrance song,
and a great
grand finale.
6 months of sitting zombified in the co room has paid off,
and yes,
it was a great last performance for our dear seniors.
parting is always sorrowful,
missing those times that were spent together,
staring games during co,
making weird yet crazy faces at each other,
hearing the distant school song coming from handphones,
getting scolded,
memories of seniors etched into our minds :/
we did this
together as ONE(:
6:34 PM
tmr's the day we've been waiting for the past 6 mths,
yea, everyone has put in effort into preparing for this concert,
and i hope that this few months of extra practices and stuff wont go to waste!
cchmsco, all the best for tmr.
don't let huang lao shi down,
don't let zheng lao shi down,
don't let all the seniors down.
we will do it =D
10:25 PM
did not go for co today,
due to half-deadness taking over my soul.
meanwhile dedicated my time to do this blogskin,
making me forget that today's my sister's birthday :/
so if you pass by here,
hahaha and you're still so busy with work.
hope that your bosses give you lesser work this year.
okay, so 3 more days huh?
everyone's getting nervous,
but, we will do it!
haha imagine the audience in their undies ^^
okay okay comment on my blogskin will ya?
7:09 PM
5 more days,
life's been hectic and messy.
a load of co practices and moving instruments to and fro,
sitting in the big co room, under the air conditioner,
getting our toes frozen off while we practice,
and staring hard at our conductor,
please dont let all this hard work go to waste,
please dont let those days we sacrificed from our holidays go to waste.
what does a
present mean to you?
this morning i shared a present for a friend,
but is it just something that is oh so normal?
i was thinking,
if i got a present from someone,
would i think that the person had to go a day or many days without eating to get me that present?
it is a gift from the heart.
next time you receive a present,
think deep(:
8:31 PM
spent an afternoon with tricia in town.
caught the nun in cine, and if you're planning to go watch it,
because it sucks big time,
and you dont get what it means in the end =.="
lame show lame show lame show.
a week remains to the big day,
and cchmsco, please dont let the seniors down,
it being their last time with us on stage.
jiayou, cchmsco (:
can and we
will do it!
11:56 PM
1. The tagged person has to come up with 8 different points of his/her perfect lover.
2. Mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you're tagged the second time, NO NEED TO DO IT AGAIN.
5. Have fun doing it :D
perfect lover, (nobody is perfect)
definitely a HE,
> taller than me
> loves me more than i love him
> loves me for who i am and not what i am
> decent
> does not smoke, drink or do drugs
> talks to me?
> not a school dropout
> saved by Christ ^^
& i'm tagging any 8 people who visit my blog, whoever you are(:
7:00 PM
and yes, a new skin (:
submitted my old skin to blogskins,
and yes, people like it!
averaging a 4.95 out of 5 points,
yep, and for a first-timer at html,
i'm glad, yea i'm glad =D
ahwell whats this big deal about NEW and IMPROVED?
how can it be new yet improved at the same time?
new things are new new new new,
unlike improved, that has to beget something with a lower standard.
and also about PLAIN FLAVOURED milk.
how can something be PLAIN yet FLAVOURED.
some things just dont make sense.
ahwell ^^
i think i like bleach now :/
8:57 PM
tagged by dear mel koh to do this quiz.
hehe it's cute
here goes >
Quiz }
1. My ex is: dead
2. Maybe I should: shave off all my hair
3. I love: being happy and carefree
4. I don't understand: what's so nice about bleach
5. I lose: myself everyday, anytime
6. People say I would: be a good horror movie actor
7. Love is: bittersweet.
8. Somewhere, someone is: getting tortured by osama bin laden
9. I will always: be happy (:
10. Forever is: impossible as nothing lasts forever (not even diamonds)
11. I don't want to: die due to drowning
12. I think the current US President: is having an affair right now
13. When I wake up in the morning: i smash my alarm clock
14. My past is: futile?
15. I get annoyed when: people annoy me
16. Parties are for: drug addicts and hookers (according to my mum)
17. My dog is: farting
18. My cat is: pooping
19. Kisses are the best when: it comes from the heart
20. Tomorrow: i'm volunteering myself for Punishment Under Mother Penguin
21. I really should: stop being crazy
22. I have low tolerance for people who: piss me off
23. I am tagging: weiqi, and whoever reading my blog
haha i swear i'm gonna finish 80% of my holiday homework tomorrow.
8:36 PM
why is everybody missing out on those little things in life? the small little beautiful details happening all around us.
lets see. the sun rises everyday, and the sun sets everyday, so tell me. in your whole lifetime, how many times have you seen the sun rise up in the wee hours of the morning, and how many times have you seen the beautiful sun set into the horizon? for me, possibly about 3 times my whole lifetime.
or if there is a beautiful park near to your house, how many times have you actually taken a slow stroll in it, admiring the works of God? paying attention to how ants scurry about with food, or how patiently kingfishers sit in wait of prey?
for me, i walk through that park every weekday when i come home from school. but i have never really stopped and enjoy the cool breeze, the grassy scent of the trees, and the colourful flowers blooming all around.
some things in life are really beautiful and amazing, but most of the time people don't notice how wonderful the small little things all around them are.
don't get lost in your thoughts. a d m i r e (:
11:26 AM
spent the whole afternoon baking a batch of choc chip cookies,
that turned out to be pretty good actually,
although they were all large and flat.
and overly sweet.
hehe a mouthful of sweetness ^^
went to orchard with mum in the evening,
got a few bottles of nail varnish
and an auto eye liner for me!
legs are currently very depressed and achy =P
its an achievement, baby
i spent a day away from the computer! =D
12:54 AM
okay okay okaaay i'm posting.
shiang's back from korea!
and she got me really nice stuff, esp the miniature liuqin ^^
so sweet of her.
thank you thank you!
ah yes i've been hooked up on maplestory.
am now level 31.
not bad eh?
considering the fact that 2 days ago i was lvl 27 =X
erm well,
the holidays have been so far so boring,
there's co practices 5 days a week including saturday.
although its very tiring, but our performance is coming up!
we all gotta jiayou and make it successful ^^
Lake Rhapsodies, 湖畔之声, $12 per ticket at Singapore Conference Hall, 18th June.
i still have 2 more tickets to sell,
anyone interested?
come support cchmsco(:
so long then, bloggy =P
8:59 PM
helllo world, im back after such a long time,
due to some unknown error in blogger.
life's still boring and uninteresting,
having to go back to school 5 days per week.
anyone interested in watching cchmsco in action on 18th june?
tell me, i have extra tickets, 12 bucks per.
ummm well,
i have gotten hooked onto maple once again.
the GMs really have many effective strategies, sadly.
i'll be back!
7:47 PM